"Wide open spaces on #homeroutes tour with Allan Fraser @dancehallgirls" We drom 30 klics om this dity to get to s small picturesque Saskatchewan town called Montmartre.
They even had a replica to the Eifel Tower on their town square and the Eifel motif was quite prominent in the restaurant where we played. #0 or so, all totally into it. There's nothing like an attentive audience. If you're ever driving on the Trans-canada Highway between Winnipeg and Regina it woth the detout to discover the Sisters Cafe, Bistro, Boutique
They even had a replica to the Eifel Tower on their town square and the Eifel motif was quite prominent in the restaurant where we played. #0 or so, all totally into it. There's nothing like an attentive audience. If you're ever driving on the Trans-canada Highway between Winnipeg and Regina it woth the detout to discover the Sisters Cafe, Bistro, Boutique