I don't know about you, but I've been spending way more time listening to music (and watching it on the computer) It's lo fi, but it's real. It's like when I was introduced to so much music listening to an American radio station with poor reception through a tiny speaker in one of the first "transistor" radios.
some has been rough and ready but that's the real measure of a pro: what can you do with just you and your guitar. I believe rock icon David Lee Roth said that.
It's 4:10 in the AM over here. I guess I'm losing track of time - not that anything was ever scheduled around here. I ended up crashing after supper and waking up at 1am Part of you just wants to roll over and the other part want's to play music (or watch netflix).
I've done a couple of Facebook Live's and I'm putting them up here for folks who didn't get to see it on Facenook. Here's the index: