Thursday, June 4, 2020

Streaming the Day Away

The June MapleBlues (digital edition) is now online and includes a nice list of upcoming blues streaming:

Here's more great links to who's streaming when:

If you're streaming yourself...

I've been talking a lot about streaming with a lot of coleagues and listenened in a few online webinars and workshops I have gone back to some notes I made to put this together for a meeting at the Toronto Blues Society to see how we can support the blues community and put on a few streaming events ourselves.  

I'm no expert at streaming but I've been doing it longer than most - I was streaming from my back yard more than ten years ago and I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first person to stream a showcase from the Folk Alliance.  It was 2011 in Memphis and I had one of those late-night room showcases so I set up my little Macbook and used U-Stream (which was probably the only game in town) and did my set for a handful of viewers.  It went OK and after me was a group called The Sweetness with Chloe Charles and I asked if they wanted me to stream them as well and they said sure but after them I had to restart and next up was a young and eager singer songwriter called Melanie Brulee.  She also wanted to stream but I was having a little trouble getting it going again and I could see her starting to fume as she was watching the precious minutes of her time slot being wasted and finally she (or maybe it was me) said "never mind."  It's one thing to be streaming yourself from your back yard and something else to be making it happen for someone else with a strict time limit. 

Some guidelines that I've ignored (at my peril)

- Test, Test, Test  (before you go Live)  If you make a change to the setup/settings, test again.  Facebook allows you to make your stream visible to "Only You".  YouTube lets you make it "private."

- Have a back up plan.  If a battery dies or the computer crashes, have another device available