I was always doing a couple of things at the same time but this is ridiculous.
At top of mind is the MapleBlues newsletter which I have to wrap up but instead I'm sitting in front of 3 screens and flipping audio on and off from a couple. On the iPhone I'm attending an online webinar at a music convention that would have been happening in California but is now online (and free). Modernmusician.me At this moment, it's about songwriting "try to go deeper none idea. Instead of moving on after you have a couple of good lines, but asking yourself "what else can I say about this?" So the whole verse says one thing.
On the computer screen I just watched the Spacex launch (success!)
And, it just ended but one of my blues heroes was just on Facebook Live. The amazing Jimmy Johnson - surprised to hear him talking about his 90th birthday. But there he was, playing tunes and hoping for a few tips so he can get his amp out of the shop.
And if I had another screen I would have been watching the riots on CNN just to see if America will self destruct before our eyes. They certainly have a head start with the shutdown and incompetent leadership